
The Labyrinth of Life

For most of the day on Sunday, the high school kids who make up my Student Leadership Team (SALT) here at church, turned our downstairs classrooms into a labyrinth, based loosely on Group Publishing's The Prayer Path. We'll be leaving it up throughout Holy Week so that anyone here at church can come by for an hour (or two) and experience the multi-sensory stations, listen to the pre-recorded meditations and instructions, and hopefully, connect with God in a personal and meaningful way. As Brother Lawrence suggests, to simply "practice the presence" of God.

I was really struck by how "into it" my kids got on Sunday as they created the labyrinth. They really wanted the labyrinth to look and feel right. Even when I left for a couple of hours to take
my three little girls to a magic show sponsored by the local Jaycees (magic shows by magicians who reside a ways down the magician food chain...a whole other blog waiting to be written...), they remained focused and grasped the concept that they were hosting this event for the larger church. I'm proud of them, and reminded again of just how little age has to do with faith or spiritual maturity for that matter.

But the coolest thing of all, was that when I opened the doors on the labyrinth on Monday morning, who was the first one to come over to church and experience it? One of our oldest members. She came over, spent an hour and a half or so, and then signed the visitor's book with a note of just how much she appreciated the opportunity and the help the labyrinth provided her prayers that morning. Very cool. Our high school kids serving our most senior of citizens. Our most senior of citizens passionate enough about her faith to come and try something new. Very cool all the way around.

Faith that comes with age. Age that comes with faith. Beautiful witnesses both.


At 2:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looks good!

However, I've seen better pics of you.


At 3:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's exciting to hear! Glad the prayer labyrinth is going so well -- it sounds like the youth group is really growing in Christ and contributing to the Church.

-- Joe
(1 Timothy 4:12)

At 3:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great job, will forward web site to all friends and relatives.

At 3:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good luck with this!

At 4:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've just been doing a lot of reading about these. There's a huge labyrinth conference happening here in MA in June, if you want the information.
Kerrick, his friend and I were talking about building these in the woods where they might be found by strangers, just because.
We'll see.

At 4:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why didn't you call it, "Agurkiblog", or "Agurkispot", or Agurkiomatic"?

Well, as this site develops, we'll all have to track your creativity.

At 6:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


I have to tell you that at times you have an ego!!!!

Just kidding. It's a great idea and should provide an excellent vehicle for you in the youth ministry area.

Kevin Symmons

At 8:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Johnny!
That labyrinth sounds really cool. I remember doing something like that on a retreat and I loved it. I hope you and your kids are doing well. I'm psyched you got a blog!
See you soon!


At 8:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Johnny you got the convertible bug before me, if you get published before me I"ll be really ticked!
Way to write!

At 10:52 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Amen and Amen! This is so exciting, to have a way to connect with each other in Christ whenever the Holy Spirit moves us to do so. What a blessing you are to our church and to all those your messages reach through yet another avenue to give Glory to God. Way to go!

At 8:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey Johnny

that's cool

At 11:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Johnny!
Nice pic.....
We always said you had a little 'wierd' in ya! jk :-)

Sweet idea with the blog- looks like a great idea!

Carry on.

At 10:38 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I experienced the Labyrinth last night. It is quite remarkable. As I entered and placed the headset on I was brought to a place away from my everyday life. As I continued on the path I was taken further away to somewhere else. That somewhere was side by side with my savior, Jesus Christ. Did the experience make an impression on how I look at my walk of faith? Absolutely. Would I recommend all who can, to take the journey? Without a doubt.
Thank you to the SALT members for creating this unique passage for all of us to experience as we continue on our personal walk with Christ. Dianne Sproul

At 12:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Johnny,
So you have a blog,never heard of it,now I feel kinda old.

I think this is GREAT!
"More than Sunday"..
Gee I wonder where that name from.

What a great way to share more of Christ with others,by sharing more of yourself.
Johnny you are a blessing to not only the youth groups,but to our family.
Thank You!!

Thank You and SALT for allowing me to have a Christ centered labyrinth experience!

Think of what Jesus did for us today.On today Good Friday.
I also recommend walking the path.



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