
To whom much has been given...

I've been blessed.

My first pastorate out of seminary, I worked alongside a wonderful pastor by the name of David Johnson. He was old school all the way. His Dad was a Covenant pastor. His grandfather was a Covenant pastor. It was in his blood, and on every level he was truly a pastor to the congregation. He wasn't the greatest preacher of all times, but he loved his flock and cared for them in every way. He wasn't afraid to get his hands dirty around the church, and he was always available. From simply being around him I learned the role of faithfulness in my life and ministry as a pastor.

I then moved north to my second pastorate. A church on the move in ministry. I was joined by another pastor, Rick Carlson, who wasn't quite a pastor yet in the traditional sense of the word. Schooling would follow to make it official, even though his whole life was involved in ministry. Being around him was exciting and brought the best out of my gifts, as he had such a vision for what could be, to the glory of God. He became a good friend, and from simply being around him I learned the role of passion in my life and ministry as a pastor.

6 years ago I came homeward. They have been 6 rich years of ministry alongside a faithful and passionate man of God, Mark Pattie. We have complimented each other's gifts well. We've gotten out of the way of the Spirit so that it could move and direct us. We've stretched and we've stretched some more. But most of all, we've prayed. Mark is a pastor who begins with and ends with prayer. And he prays in between. Now he's gone to MN. From simply being around him I learned the role of prayer in my life and ministry as a pastor.

I've been blessed. And as I reflect on what I have received from these 3 men, it makes me wonder what impact I have on the youth I work with, as they are around me. What of the adults I minister and preach to and with?

What of me rubs off onto them? How do the ripples of my life impact those around me?

Am I brave enough to face the answers?


Reclaiming Our Name

According to multiple published reports, the Rev. Jerry Falwell, self-proclaimed spokesman for "evangelicals" here in America, at a prayer breakfast last week attended by hundreds of pastors, stated, "I certainly hope that Hillary (Clinton) is the candidate (for president in 2008). I hope she's the candidate, because nothing will energize my people like Hillary Clinton. If Lucifer himself ran, he wouldn't." He then went on to assure the attendees that God would preserve a Republican majority in Congress.

Let me speak from the heart...
-I'm not a fan of Sen. Hillary. That doesn't make me a right-wing conservative Republican.
-I'm not a fan of Rev. Jerry either. That doesn't make me a left-wing liberal Democrat.
- But, I do understand the difference between Satan and another human being I disagree with politically. One I will turn from. The other I will love.

I find it so disturbing that over the last decade, the radical right has hijacked the term "evangelical" from those of us who are evangelical Christians, and claim to speak for all of us, as they reduce Christianity into 2 or 3 moral "litmus test" issues. Those of us (whether we fall to the left or to the right on the political spectrum) who are evangelicals, need to speak up and reclaim our name. We need the world to hear from us what it truly means to be an evangelical Christian...through our words and our deeds. Let us disagree. Let us debate. Let us dialogue. But let us love. Always, let us love.

"And they'll know we are Christians by our love."