

How difficult it is to give love, without first forcing someone to earn it. Even within the supposed safety of our families, where we stress unconditional love, the pressure to perform for love seeps into much of our interaction. How difficult it is as a parent, when so much energy and effort seems continually focused on instruction and discipline and encouragement, to separate the giving of love from the end results of that day's activities and obstacles. Our displays and declarations of "I love you", too often are attached to the success of a specific endeavor, or at least when we feel we have been appeased. How difficult it is to give true unearned love, even when it is our deepest desire to do so.

Which, of course, makes Easter all that much more incredible, as I reflect on it. That the events of Holy Week, and Easter morning, are an unwarranted display of God's love for me. An undeserved declaration of God's love for the world. No reservations. No requirements. Simply done because I am loved. Simply done because we are loved. By no means does this cheapen this mighty gift of grace. Quite the opposite. It reveals the true depths of God's love, that "while we were yet sinners" he loves us. He loves us, not inspite of ourselves. He loves us, because he loves us.

How do I love without compensation? How do I love without expectation? How do I love as God has loved me? Although I am not God, I believe I am called to love others as he has loved me. And yet, loving others reveals to me, possibly even more than my sins, just how far my ways are from God's ways.


At 12:58 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

1 John 4:19: "We love because He first loved us."

I talked with a very dear friend of mine tonight. He is nearing the stage where he may be getting married to the woman he loves, and he told me something I hope I never forget. He said, "My goal is to love her just as she is, not as I want her to be, for the rest of my life. And more importantly, I want to love her with the love of Jesus Christ, not just my own love. My own love fails, but the love of Jesus does not."
It gives me hope, to know that the perfect love of Jesus Christ gives us the ability to love in the same way.
May God bless you.
-- Joe

At 3:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well Okay...We all need to be hit over the head and reminded,of love and how unconditional it is from our father in heaven.(Thanks Johnny)
This following passage was read at my wedding 15 years ago.At the time I don't think I fully understood the true meaning behind those words nor did I appreciate them.
"1-Corinthians 13;4 Love is patient. Love is kind. It does not want what belongs to others.It does not brag.Love is not proud.It is not rude.Love does not look out for its own interests.It does not easily become angry. It does not keep track of other people's wrongs.Love is not happy with evil.But it is full of joy when the truth is spoken.It always protects. It always trusts. It always hopes. It never gives up. Love never fails."
As a sinner,I am certainly not worthy of this kind of love.I am so Thankful that God has this kind of love for me.It is in Gods time and through his grace that we can understand his words spoken to us and his love given to us.
I now know that it is through Jesus Christ that,I can give this kind of unconditional love.

Love Them Like Jesus,


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