

It's been a tough week, as one more within my congregation has shared with me the news of unspeakable hurt and grief. No... in reality it has been a tough year. It seems that more and more people that I come into contact with as pastor, are in the midst of pain. Deep hurting. Not the type of physical pain that comes with illness or accident (although they too have been present for many this year), but the type of deep pain that comes from broken relationships, and the struggle for self worth that comes out of abusive situations.

As a pastor, it is at times overwhelming to me, as I hear the stories of people I have come to love and care deeply about. There are even times when if I am honest I must admit, that I wished I could just forget about it for a while, or at least leave it behind when I went home for the night. And yet there is no more sacred and humbling part of my ministry, then when people share with me their pain, and invite me to enter into it with them. It is an awesome responsibility.

As one called by God to shepherd a portion of his flock, it is impossible for me to leave this pain "at the office". It occupies my thoughts and prayers. At times this year, during times of prayer, it has reduced me to tears, when words failed me. I wrote previously in a blog entry on "love" that I have come to the conclusion that it is my feeble attempts at love that reveal to me just how far are my ways from God's ways. I have also come to discover that it is in my tears that I come closest to being Christ-like.

One of the most powerful verses in the gospels is also one of the shortest in the entire scriptures. And yet it reveals so much to us about Christ and his care for those he loves, which, thanks be to God, includes me and you. In John 11:35, as Jesus hears of the death of Lazarus and sees the grief of those in pain due to his death, we are simply told, "Jesus wept." The Son of God, weeps for those in pain. Truly, he enters into our lives and our deepest hurts.

As a pastor, it is comforting and reassuring to know that my tears, put me into good company.


At 10:26 PM, Blogger Brian said...

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At 10:28 PM, Blogger Brian said...

Yeah, that last comment came out wrong. What I meant to say is that you have posted some good thoughts once again, although I'm sorry they come from a painful ordeal.

You're a good pastor, Johnny! Many of us look up to you.

At 2:37 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Having endured the raw deep pain that comes from living in an abusive marriage, I have also endured what follows. The sadness that accompanies the loss of that relationship and the loss of your hopes and dreams. Then questioning of how and what happen. Knowing God had a plan for this marriage, makes it all the more differcult to see what it had become.

It is my faith that carries me. It is in that faith I will see how God will use this trying time in my life for His glory. For it is in my weakness He makes me strong.
His Grace is sufficient for me.

of seeing the effect it has on the children involved. also comes the pain the realization that what God had brought together for His purpose, has been destroyed by things of this world rth that comes out of abusive situations.


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