In God We Trust
Believe it or not, he said it with a smile. Rather than complaining about the market or economic conditions, this clear-headed man realizes how blessed he and his family is compared to many who are truly struggling economically. "I had it to lose", he said. "I am beyond blessed."
In response, I then brought up the thought that these trying times will probably end up hurting churches as the year wraps up. Many people catch up on their giving and pledges at the end of the year, and with less in their accounts and the fear that often accompanies that, they may hold onto "their money" rather than give it back to God. I know quite a few churches that were already heading into this Fall tens of thousands of dollars behind budget after the summer. And with what is taking place financially now across our country and world, how much deeper will those deficits grow? I then asked him if this loss he personally has felt over the last 2 weeks will affect his giving.
"Are you kidding," he said. "This is all the more reason to give back to God. God is the only one I can trust with my money. That investment never fails!"
It is interesting that our money here in the US has engraved right on it the words "In God We Trust". Today, maybe more than any other time since The Great Depression, those words ring true on a financial level. Where can I invest the money and resources I have in my possession so that they will be used well and bring a good return? We put it into the hands of Him who is always faithful and never fails. In God we trust.
I pray that many more have that same strength and feeling. Thanks Johnny
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