

A week or so ago, my wife's family (the image at left is of the official McNaughton clan crest) gathered for a family reunion, at Pilgrim Pines Conference Center (www.pilgrimpines.org) in Swanzey, NH. The whole gang was there, some of us camping in trailers, some staying in the main lodge building. Days were spent on the beach and in the bath-like waters of Swanzey Lake, as temperatures for much of the week were in the low 100's. We sat around the campfire at night, talking and playing cards together. Grandpa (Ann's Dad) opened a charge account at the snack shack on the beach and encouraged everyone to use it liberally. By Friday the charge card was three pages long.

How wonderful it was to spend such quality and quantity time together. The midwestern nephews and neice are teens now, and such great kids. I wish they were closer, like they used to be when we too lived in Illinois. The Connecticut neice and nephew are entering into their teen years, and maturing daily. They too are good kids. And it was especially fun to see Ann's two brothers and their wives as they enjoyed the change of pace that comes with kids who can now care for themselves (to a certain extent). I admit, I was a bit jealous at times.

And yet, at the same time, more than ever, I was so thankful to have these precious little gifts from God that I am able to call my children. Yes, they needed constant care (the oldest of the 4 of them is now 7). Yes, they prevented me (and Ann) from doing things that would have been fun to do (basketball, golf, tennis, naps). Yes, their nap schedule and feeding schedules got in the way and forced us to seperate from the gang at times. But how short are these days of childhood. Soon they too will be teens, able to fend for themselves (to a certain extent), and itching for freedom.

It was awesome to see the neices and nephews growing up. But, I'm in no rush for mine to do the same.


At 12:24 PM, Blogger Brian said...

Yeah, reminds me of the movie "Click." Gotta enjoy the times, the good and the bad, and hit the pause button now and then.


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