

A little over a week ago, I had the opportunity to preach on Christ's parable of The Prodigal Son as found in Luke 15. Included in a group of parables that deal with the lost being found, it has always been very personal to me. For I too have a brother who was lost, squandering his life away on foolish behaviors, who came home again and was welcomed back completely and without reservation by his father. Too often, I have played the role of the 2nd son in the story, too quick to judge and condemn. But what strikes me most in both Christ's story and in my own, is that the prodigal is welcomed without an expectation of change. He is welcomed because he is loved. Change, clearly, is hoped for, and even prayed for. Change will be encouraged. Change will be discussed. But it is not a prerequisite for acceptance. It is not a prerequisite for welcoming back to the family table. It is not a prerequiste for the gift of love.

Recently, I came across two seperate articles that impacted me deeply, as I was in post-reflection-mode regarding my sermon. The first, written by Joe Klein appeared in the March 26, 2007 edition of Time magazine. Klein writes:

"For preachers like Jerry Falwell, James Dobson and Pat Robertson, the prospect of hell has always been far more vivid than the possibility of heaven. Presidential candidates like Robertson, Pat Buchanan and Gary Bauer have loaded up on the "Thou Shalt Nots" and rarely, if ever, mentioned the grace and serenity that comes from doing "for the least of these."

Klein goes on to quote former Arkansas Governor and GOP candidate Mike Huckabee, who said:

"I'm a 'grace' Christian, not a 'law' Christian. The Second Commandment - do unto others - is the basic tenet of my faith. And so I believe that life begins at conception, but I don't believe it ends at birth. I believe we have a responsibility to feed the hungry, to provide a good education, a safe neighborhood, health care..."

Klein summarizes the role of Huckabee and GOP Senator Sam Brownback in the upcoming presidential election by saying:

They represent "the introduction of a new constituency into the political process: 'Second Commandment' Christians, those more interested in salvation than damnation..."

Klein also adds that both Brownback and Huckabee have "lost" recent conservative Christian audiences by talking about things like Darfur, food banks, feeding the hungry and health care.

The second, and profoundly more powerful article I came across was found in The Covenant Companion, the monthly magazine published by my own Evangelical Covenant Church denomination. In his Markings article (which appears monthly), Jay Phelan (President and Dean of North Park Theological Seminary and Executive Vice-President of Academic Affairs for North Park University) writes, in his article entitled "Do We Have To Like Sinners?":

Perpetual moral outrage shows neither strength of character nor depth of courage. It masks my passion to control the other in ways that comport with my own views of the nature of God and the world. It uncovers the violence that lurks in my soul ready to lash out at the disagreeable other. It is a sign of narcissism, arrogance, and insecurity. And it has never saved anyone. Did sinners flock to Jesus because he glowered at them angrily? Did they find him attractive because he looked disapprovingly down his nose at them? Hardly. The complaint about Jesus was that he was too friendly with sinners. He got along with them too well. He accepted their invitations to parties. He hung out with their disreputable friends. He actually seemed to like them.

Phelan goes on to write:

It is not a moral failing to like sinners. It is not a compromise of the gospel to hang out with them. We can disapprove without being disagreeable. We can disagree without become obstreperous. We can do this because Jesus modeled it for us. We must do this because we humbly recognize our own fallibility. We too are sinners. In a culture fueled by outrage and indifference we model attention and compassion.

My brother was found by a elderly Christian couple who literally found him on the streets of a Texas city, and welcomed him with their open arms. Even though he was a drug addict, and an alcoholic, and a thief. From their gift of love, he found a new path to a new life.

I wonder why it is, that so much of the church today has seemed to have lost the call to love the lost?



My first encounter (that I recall impacting me) with the Stations of the Cross took place on an 8th grade trip to Quebec. While there (supposedly to be working on our French) we visited the Saint Anne de Beaupre Basilica. It is a beautiful church and grounds. After looking at the interior, and being mesmerized by a wall covered with crutches, canes and wheel chairs left by those who had been healed during their visit, I wandered outside and noticed a path traversing a hillside. Along the path were statues of Jesus in different stages of his final hours. As I walked the path, I had one of those "holy moments" where the Spirit entered into my heart and ushered me into the presence of God. Although I had no idea how to pray the Stations, or even that others did, it was a moment that I will never forget.

Since then, I have not only come to learn the Stations, and about the history of the Stations, I have even had the opportunity (on two seperate occasions) to walk the actual Stations of the Cross in Jerusalem. The Stations have become a powerful Lenten tool for my faith as I move closer to His passion, and all the events of Holy Week.

Many Catholic churches include Stations somewhere on their grounds that are open to all visitors. There are internet sites where you can "walk" the Stations online (try http://cptryon.org//xpipassio/stations/). or download prayer booklets. I encourage you to take time out of your daily routine during this period of Lent, and to walk the Stations of the Cross with our Lord.


Lent continued

Lord, I so wish to prepare well for this time.

I so want to make all of me ready and attentive and available to you.

Please help me to clarify and purify my intentions.
I have so many contradictory desires.

I get preoocupied with things that don't really matter or last.

I know that if I give you my heart, whatever I do will follow my new heart.

In all that I am today, all that I try to do,

all my encounters, reflections - even the frustrations and failings

and especially in this time of prayer,

in all of this may I place my life in your hands.

Lord, I am yours.

Make of me what you will.


-St. Ignatius, The Spiritual Exercises; no. 46


Lent II

Lent has always been a powerful time for me.

For whatever reason, I have always felt a real sense of the Spirit during the season of Lent, and find myself more easily in tune with the "work" of discipleship.

Bible study seems to come easier.

Prayer seems to flow out more naturally.

Self-examination seems more genuine.

I'm not sure of the reason for any of this, but I am one of those people who look forward to Lent. I look forward to quieting down, and slowing down, and purposefully reflecting on my faith in the One who gives all for me.

If you have not never used a daily devotional guide for Lent, I suggest you try www.sacredspace.ie. It is well run, deep enough for serious prayer, and yet its simplicity seems to match well the call of Lent.