

One of my primary hesitations when it came to the creation of this blog, was that it would make me look self-centered and egotistical (in other words, that people would see me for me). As if other people would really care what I had to say about life and faith. The whole concept just seemed a bit self-promoting. But now that I've been at this for a while, I admit that I'm pleased with the outcome, and I'm really glad that I went forward with this. It has generated wonderful discussions, and allowed me to connect with folks that I would not otherwise have had the opportunity to do so with. And I love the way in which it has challenged me creatively, and forced me to keep open eyes and ears, as faith and life converge on a daily basis. All of which, I believe, has been to the glory of God, even if I don't always get to see the direct end result now.

That all being said, I was conflicted when I was contacted by a correspondent of our local weekly newspaper a few weeks ago. The paper wanted to do a full article on this blog. How did it start? What's its purpose? Who's the intended audience? What are you trying to say? Why you? They even sent out a professional photographer to take some photos, which ended up running with the article last week. Yikes.

And on the one hand I'm thrilled that this blog has been noticed, and that the opportunity for even more readers has been extended in such a dramatic way. And on the other hand, that same old fear of, "is this just more fuel for my already overinflated head" , came back. I guess I'll just have to live in that conflicted dualism.

The same is true for the local church. We want publicity for who we are and what we do, as it creates opportunities for even more ministry. Often times churches hire pastors hoping for that very outcome. And yet if we are to remain true to our calling as Christ's disciples, then we must constantly remind ourselves that it is God who does the work, who allows us to succeed (a difficult word to define), and who deserves every single scrap of the glory. The minute the church starts to rely on itself and not God, it ceases to be the church. Or at least, a useful church for Christ.

So...it was nice to be in the paper last week. But I'm trying hard to not let it get to my head.


At 10:20 PM, Blogger Brian said...

Don't worry Johnny...it was probably just a slow news day for the paper.



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